If you're not on top of your finances, it may be time to get help. It can seem impossible to stay on top of your money matters when you don't have the proper skills and knowledge. Accountants are able to help with a mix of tasks that can make so much easier. Why guess your way through big choices when you can have an expert on your side? Here are some of the top reasons why it pays to hire an accountant for your financial needs.
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When you need help with your finances, you have to choose which type of professional you want to go to for assistance. A CPA can provide you with a unique level of skills and assistance.
What Is A CPA?
A CPA is a certified public accountant, which means that they are someone who has completed a program in accounting combined with professional experienced and also passed the national CPA examination to earn their CPA certifications.
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Self-employed sole proprietors usually must file an additional tax form to report their Social Security tax and Medicare tax. Because there is no matching contribution from an employer, self-employed persons are required to pay a higher rate on Social Security tax and Medicare tax than employed persons. To do so, sole proprietors must file IRS Schedule SE along with their Form 1040.
Company employees generally pay a Social Security tax rate of 6.
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Whatever your business, getting paid by clients in a timely manner is key to keeping the cash flowing. But ensuring you're paid on time is not always as easy as it sounds. So how can you manage and improve your accounts receivable? Here are 6 tips to get the greenbacks moving.
Bill Electronically
Cut your wait time between several days and a week by simply getting email addresses from customers and invoicing them electronically.
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Running a small business successfully requires you to wear many different hats throughout the course of a day. Few responsibilities are as critical as maintaining accurate financial records, so the decisions you make regarding your company's accounting practices are important. Making the switch to an online accounting format can be beneficial for your small company.
Here are three reasons why you should consider making the switch to online accounting in order to improve the financial health of your small business in the future.
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